If your heating and cooling system is over 10 years old, you're probably cheating yourself out of energy and money. You could be paying 30-50% more in utility costs than you should be. We can help you lower those bills and make you more comfortable at the same time. Heating and cooling your home uses more energy dollars than any other system in your home. Typically, 44% of your utility bill goes for heating and cooling. You can save money and increase comfort by properly maintaining and upgrading your equipment. 

An energy-efficient furnace or air conditioner alone won't have as great an impact on your energy bills as using the whole house approach. By combining proper equipment, upgrades and maintenance with appropriate thermostat settings, insulation and weatherization, you can cut your energy bills in half.
In San Antonio the extreme heat in summer can cause you to run your AC 24/7 to be comfortable. This can become costly. 

Here are some Cooling Tips

•Set your thermostat as high as it is comfortable.
•Clean or replace your filters once a month.
•Set the fan speed on high except in very humid weather. When it's humid, set the fan speed on low.
•Use ceiling fans to spread the cooled air more effectively.
•Don't place TVs or electrical appliances that generate heat near your thermostats.
•Plant trees or shrubs to shade air conditioning units but don't block the airflow.